Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

In our house we open presents Christmas eve and we open our stockings Santa filled Christmas morning.

In our house Santa likes his wine.




Grandma got chocolate covered cherries
D.D. got things to keep him warm...because you know it's so cold here in Florida!

Daddy getting Runway into the Christmas spirit

Ella got the Ripstik, praying she doesn't break anything.

Amber made gifts for everyone
She made me a bracelet 

Ella and Hailey received photo collages 

Daddy got a homemade turtle from his Turtle

Fun was had by all!

What did Santa bring this morning?

Ella: "I am not awake yet!" Maddy:(my fourth child) "No pictures please!" Hailey: "Who said what?"

Still not awake! LOL

Amber: Always ready to open presents!

From all my girls:  Thank You Santa

I will leave you with a few pictures of the girls enjoying the new snow cone maker: It was a hit!